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Customer Support > Technical Issues > Adding Google fonts to your site

Adding Google fonts to your site

Some services are available that allow a site to call a font externally and then render HTML text on the webpage in the specified font. Google Web Fonts API is one of these such services, and it's free. See the fonts that you can install using the Google Font API.

Here's an example of how you would add the 'Tangerine' font using their API to your website.

Add the following code to the Head Contents section in the template or in one of the CSS files.

Here's the code to add:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

(This calls the Tangerine font but you can call any font included in their Font Directory).

Next you need to call the font through some CSS code in your CSS file where you are choosing which font to use for each tag. e.g:
  font-family: 'Tangerine',cursive;

(This example applies the 'Tangerine' font you have installed to the h1 headings tag).

If the Google Font Directory doesn't have the font you require then search for other services that use a similar method to install other fonts on your website (they usually charge a fee though for this service).